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​Kim's coaching sessions build a relationship that relies heavily on trust, empathy, safety, understanding of boundaries, and confidentiality. It also requires mutual respect and compassion as you move through the process together.

As a coach, he will ask powerful and perception-changing questions and help you work toward a solution. This collaborative process will help identify and create new pathways for emotional wellness and conflict resolution that may not have been accessible before.

Kim helps people awaken to their full potential by:

  • Deeply listening to what's being said and not said.

  • Uncovering learning opportunities.

  • Calling them to awareness and action.

  • Teaching skills that last for a lifetime.

In the coaching setting, Kim is your advocate. He provides a protected space for you to express yourself authentically, without judgment. He will offer relentless and compassionate support as you face the internal battles necessary for growth.


Kim Kristensen has a diverse background in coaching. He is an ICF certified coach with over fifteen years of experience as a certified conflict resolution professional and mediator.

He has a large “toolbox” and doesn't rely on limited or one-size-fits-all approaches. Your coaching experience will be customized specifically for you and your needs and goals.

Kim draws on many principles and practices from evidence-based techniques such as cognitive behavioral coaching (CBT), acceptance and commitment coaching (ACT), dialectical behavior coaching (DBT), somatic experiencing (SE), presence-based coaching (PBC), shadow work, transpersonal psychology, and depth psychology. He also brings in eclectic approaches that arise intuitively from his personal life experiences.

But, for all his qualifications, Kim may not be the right coach for YOU.

You won’t know for sure just from reading about him here. Listen to your gut and your heart. What are they telling you? Is Kim someone you would feel comfortable talking to? Does he inspire your trust? Is he someone who can understand your thoughts, feelings, and perspective about the situation? Does he “get” you?

To answer these questions, Kim offers a complimentary, fifteen-minute session by phone or video chat to give you a sense of what it’s like to work with him, introduce you to the coaching process, and answer any other questions you may have.

Image by Bruno van der Kraan


Conflict crops up in different dimensions of life. Workplace and relationship coaching helps you work through external conflicts with other people. Mental health and life coaching helps you address the internal conflict of negative emotions and unmet goals and expectations.

Mental Health Coaching

Mental health coaching can help you find relief from the symptoms of chronic negative emotions, including stress, anxiety, and even mild depression. Kim starts by evaluating your emotional wellness and identifying the root causes of your emotional distress. Then, he designs an action plan that addresses this issue holistically.

This plan might include:

  • changing your thought patterns about yourself and/or others

  • getting more sleep

  • trying new activities to increase feelings of self-worth

  • reconnecting with friends or family members

  • paying attention to physical sensations

  • moving and breathing in new ways

  • eating healthier

  • setting appropriate boundaries

  • learning to deal with conflict in a healthier way

  • practicing new communication skills


The idea is to not only address one individual "symptom" but also work on developing tools for coping overall so you can find more satisfaction and happiness in life.

Relationship Coaching

Whether you’re facing the breakdown of a longtime friendship, dealing with family drama, or seeking couples counseling to address day-to-day conflict, relationship coaching focuses on identifying the underlying issue(s) causing distress and helping you find healthier ways of interacting. This approach seeks first to establish emotional safety between the people involved rather than focusing exclusively on changing individual behavior patterns. It addresses both intimacy barriers as well as the personal and social history of partners. The goal is not merely to delve into past family issues but to also offer resources for change that are tailored specifically to each person’s needs and goals. Kim will teach you the skills you need to navigate difficult conversations with your loved ones without getting triggered or triggering others.

Relationship coaching can also help you identify your strengths and personal growth areas and equip you with skills or tools appropriate to your situation. Sessions can be one-one-one or include multiple people.

Life Coaching

Life coaching guides you through a process of self-discovery to learn and grow on your own terms. Kim asks questions to help you understand who you are in this world and what makes your life worth living:


  • What does success look like?

  • How do you define happiness?

  • Where do you find joy in your life right now?

  • Who are your support systems?

  • What’s the next step you need to take?


What’s preventing you from taking that step? Kim will help you grow into the best version of yourself by helping you identify your values, beliefs, and goals.

Workplace Coaching

Whether you’re a business manager or employee, you may find yourself facing challenging situations at work. This could include handling performance problems, dealing with a rude or disrespectful colleague, or coaching someone on how to improve their skills for promotion within the company.

Workplace coaching provides skills to help you address problems before they become larger issues. Learn to de-escalate conflict quicker and more effectively so the HR representative doesn’t have to step in. This can save considerable time, energy, turnover, and money!
If the challenges you face in the workplace are company-wide or ingrained in the workplace culture, consider scheduling a conflict prevention and resolution training or setting up a group mediation.

Margaret Morse, Phoenix, AZ

"Kim Kristensen is an intuitive, kind, and patient coach. His approach is one of non-judgment, presence, and accountability. As a client, I always feel safe, seen, and heard. He does not shy away from tough topics, but rather uses his unique skills, expertise, and abilities to foster greater awareness about a situation. I am truly fortunate and grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Kim."


Warrior Resolutions stands apart from many other coaching models by not requiring contracts or commitments. You can have one session and be done! You can meet with Kim once a week, once a month, or once a year—whatever works best for you.


An initial 15-minute consultation is free. Coaching sessions are $150 per session. A sliding scale is available for individuals in need.


Coaching sessions are 60-90 minutes.


Sessions are held via phone, Zoom, FaceTime, Messenger, or face-to-face at The Bridge Institute offices in Roanoke, Virginia.


Ongoing email and text support are included at no extra charge.


To get unstuck, you have to do something. Take the next step and connect with Kim about coaching. All information shared in this form is strictly confidential.

What is your preferred meeting type?

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